Thursday, April 28, 2011

Crawl space art: Plate from "The Peacock Republic"

Desert lion plate from the upcoming book, The Peacock Republic.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Heroes of Crawl space art: CG Jung and Joseph Campbell

Joseph Campbell's book, The Hero with a Thousand Faces & a plate from CG Jung's The Red Book. Highly intense chicken soup for the crawl space artist's soul.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Crawl space artist: Matt

Untitled pen drawing by Matt. I see a garbage dump.

Crawl space artist: Amanda Dalton Innis

Painting by Amanda Dalton Innis, titled "The Way Things Unhappen." Check out more work:

Crawl space art: Clown #10

Hobo clown by Adam, #10 of 10.

Crawl space art: Clown #9

Rust Never Sleeps clown by Adam, #9 of 10.

Crawl space art: Plate from "The Peacock Republic"

Plate from the book, The Peacock Republic, by Adam Andersen. Go to for more details.

Crawl space art: Clown #8

Fetal clown by Adam, #8 of 10.