Sunday, October 10, 2010

South Holland Artists' Gallery

Highlights from the South Holland art show:
1) Adam and b/w pics
2) Dimitri vs. John art swagger
3) Dimitri and his "Lambo Fever"
4) "Godfatha"

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Crawl space artist: Evan

Expert defacement of South Holland's elder council by Evan.

Photo enjoyment: The Mushuganas

Craig Anarchy, lead singer of The Mushuganas, performing at the Tinley Park Record Swap circa 1995.

Crawl space album art: Chino n Lester

Chino n Lester's mixtape: Sex dreams and Street glo. Cover design by Matt. Photos by Frank.

Outside art: Holland, MI (Kirk Park)

Mysterious remnants of what appeared to be a lakeside habitat at Kirk Park just north of Holland, MI.